Tuesday, June 3, 2008

THERE'S NOTHING WORSE...than a dead bloated frog

I just love my hot tub. I love the bubbles. I love the water. I love that I don't get sea-sick as I float in this bubbling vat. I opened up the cover of my hot tub this past weekend to find a dead bloated frog. I gasped and thought to myself, "EWWWWWWWWWWW...there's nothing worse than a dead bloated frog in my happy hot tub." I went to work the next day and lots of people noticed that I had a cold. "There's nothing worse than a summer cold.", they said. One of my co-workers had a toothache. "Oh, there's nothing worse than a toothache.", she murmered.

Now that I'm 50, I can sagely say that one should NEVER utter the words THERE'S NOTHING WORSE THAN. As soon as you utter those words it's almost as if you're daring fate to give you another swift kick in the neck. Things can always get worse. I know
this to be true. Cases in point:

There's nothing worse than biting into a hard and shiney red apple and finding a worm UNLESS you bite into said red and shiney apple and only find half a wiggly worm. :-(~ Patoowee

There's nothing worse than yardwork on a steaming hot Texas day until you notice that cinch bugs have eaten the roots of your lawn in patches and you now have a leopard looking lawn to mow.

"It's just hair." is something you say to someone on the receiving end of a bad haircut UNLESS it's YOUR hacked to pieces haircut given to you by someone you want to spit on and run over with a car. There's nothing worse than a bad bad horrible bad short (did I say really bad yet?) haircut except maybe female baldness which I'm wondering if that wouldn't look better than my present REALLY bad haircut does.

There's nothing worse than dieting in the attempt to get down to a certain weight UNLESS you step on the scale and realize all the working out you've done has caused you to GAIN weight.

There's nothing worse than a house in the winter with no heat until the weather turns really cold and you live in a house with no heat AND all the water pipes freeze leaving you with no heat AND no water.

There's nothing worse than a poke in the eye. Haha...that's it...there's nothing worse than a good poke in the eye.

There's nothing worse than a bee sting, unless you're Westlee and the sting makes your head swell up to 3 times it's normal size rendering you anything but normal looking.

There's nothing worse than being sea sick, UNLESS you are stuck on a 5 hour deep sea fishing boat which is being flung uuuuuup and doooooown on waves that I swear were 35 feet high and you have PAID FOR THIS.

Now...write and give me a few more NOTHING'S WORSE stories of your own.


Sunny said...

Oh man have I got some nothing worse stories. Sheesh.
There's nothing worse than having to take a cold bath...UNLESS you have to take a cold bath because your body is covered in poison ivy.
There's nothing worse than having poison ivy...UNLESS you have a doctor take a picture of your face so that he can laugh about it for years to come.
There's nothing worse than stubbing your pinky toe...UNLESS you actually break it.
There's nothing worse than filling the tank of the lawnmower with gas only to watch it leak out the bottom...UNLESS you then decide to leave it in the garage, only to fill your entire home with the smell of gasoline.
There's nothing worse than changing a poopie diaper...UNLESS the child decides to grab said diaper mid-wipe and fling it across the room. (Luckily only wipes escaped)
There's nothing worse than barf.

Yo Yo Ma said...

Ok...yours are pretty bad. The most recent one for me is, there is nothing worse than opening up your extra fridge/freezer in the garage and finding out it defrosted itself a week ago and the milk you were going to put on your cereal is now cottage cheese, 2 gallons of it. Hey, your site is awesome!! Very nice pictures too. Heidi has one as well, heidigilbert.blogspot.com I think is hers. I started one but never did anything with it and did it with the dog's name...anyway, this is cool....Have a great day! Love ya! Patti