Sunday, April 5, 2009

Missionary Mom

*You hug your boss just because he's wearing a dark suit and tie.

*You sign a letter like this.....Sister Jane Doe MM to Elder John Doe, NLVW Mission2007-2009

*You shove an eldery Relief Society sister out of the way because she's about to take the last spot on the missionary dinner calendar.

*You spend $28 to overnight a camel tie to Reno, Nevada.

*Your family knows better than to eat any of the fresh cookies you made until after you've taken the "firstlings of the flock" out for your missionary.

*You chew out a stunned Elder after Sacrament Meeting because he hasn't written to his mother in 3 weeks and then email his mom to tell her you've taken care of the situation.

*Sicknes, sleet, snow, earthquakes or even a free meal couldn't stop you from sitting in front of the computer on P-day.

*Hearing the song CALLED TO SERVE makes your face leak.

*You invite salesmen in when they knock on your door(and then make them a hot dinner).

*You meet a new missionary and immediately look at his name badge to see if you know his Mom from the Missionary Mom’s group so you can whip out an email to his mother.

*You pay $70.00 to overnight a pan of Chicken Enchiladas to Pennsylvania just because your precious son told you on Mother’s Day that he misses your enchiladas.

*You spend $42.00 to send a box of Captain Crunch to Vancouver.

*You drive 3 miles out of your way to buy gas that is 3 cents a gallon cheaper but you think nothing of spending $8.50 to mail 24 cookies to Las Vegas.

*You cried for days after dropping him off at the MTC because you miss him so and then you cry again after getting notification of his release flight information because you know you’ll miss him being on a mission.

*The people who work at the post office know you by name.

*You clean the post office out of large sized flat rate boxes.

*Any time you see two young men in white shirts and ties walking down the street your heart jumps a bit and you honk and wave only to discover it just happens to be two businessmen instead.

*You make Christmas stockings, Valentine's gifts and Easter baskets for the missionaries in your ward hoping that if you take care of them, that someone else will be taking care of your missionary.

*If you don't get an email on P-day you become incredibly grumpy and others best steer clear of you. If they ask what's wrong, you cry, "I DIDN'T GET A LETTER FROM MY MISSIONARY!"

*When your missionary gets transferred the first thing you do is GoogleEarth his or her new address and pray there is a "street view."

*You watch the Called to Serve video every few months because you miss your missionary and feel like you just need a good cry.


Kalani said...

Hi Mom...I decided to start a blog. So I'm following yours!! Kinda makes you sound like a stalker when they put it that way, but oh well. ya.

k berrett said...

hey! i was just on your girl's blogs and wondered how you were and what you were up too -- and suddenly I found your blog - because kalani is following it! yea! how are you? you are wonderful and I love your postings! you made me cry and helped me remember how important it is to have those missionaries over for dinner!! I am in primary and don't see the calendar anymore -- I think I will find it sunday and sign up! love ya
kathy mannewitz berrett still in Allen 2nd ward - parents 2 sisters and 1 brother are also in our ward! go mannewitz 1st ward! hahaha